1. TOP

ISAP2025 Award Committee present the following three types of awards. The award candidates should be the first author and the presenter of the ISAP2025. The selections of the awards are based on the quality, originality, and clarity of the paper and the presentation.

CandidatesPresentation styles
Best Paper AwardAllOral or Poster
Student Presentation AwardStudentPoster
Young Engineer AwardYoung Researcher
(under 39 years old)
Oral or Poster

Best Paper Award

  • Candidates shall be presenters who make presentations in person at the ISAP2025.
  • Some papers are selected as “Best Paper Award Finalists“ based on the evaluation results of the submitted papers.

Student Presentation Award

  • Candidates shall be student at the time of submitting the paper to ISAP2025 and first-author presenters who have presented poster presentations at the ISAP 2025.
  • Some papers are selected as “Student Presentation Award Finalists” based on evaluation results of the submitted papers.
  • The presentations by the Student Paper Awards finalists will be assigned at a poster session.

Young Engineer Award

  • Candidates shall be young researchers (excluding students) who are 39 years of age or younger (born after October 28, 1985) as of the first day of the ISAP2025 and first-authors who make presentations in person at the ISAP2025.

Additional Information:

  • The finalists are requested to participate in the conference banquet and notified about one month before the ISAP2025.
  • The winners of the awards are announced in the conference banquet
  • Awards rules and eligibility is here.

Taiwan Microwave Association