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  2. Call for Workshops

Call for Workshop Proposals for ISAP2025

The ISAP2025 will feature half-day workshop sessions on Monday, October 27, 2025 as part of the official conference program. ISAP2025 TPC welcomes the submission of proposals for the workshops. Researchers, industrial engineers and graduate students are assumed as participants of the workshops. The purpose of the workshops is to provide participants to touch the latest trends and results in some research fields. A workshop should provide comprehensively tutorials and guides in the field. The presentation using slides and discussion are mainly expected as the workshops. A chair will not be prepared for each workshop. If the proposal is accepted, speaker must start workshop on time at an assigned room by themselves.

Workshop Proposal Guidelines

The duration of the Workshop is Half day (3hrs). Part of the Workshop should be interactive. Presentations in the Workshop are not peer-reviewed. There is no paper review process. (If a content of a Workshop is expected to be published in the proceedings, it must be submitted as a regular contribution in the paper submission.) The proposal must be submitted using the template. It must be submitted before the deadline (28th February 2025). The proposal should be submitted via e-mail, to isap-ws2025@mail.ieice.org.


All workshop proposals will be reviewed by the ISAP2025 TPC. Acceptance will be based on:

  • Relevance to the conference topics (See the description/background information at the conference site)
  • Evaluation of the workshop’s potential to advance the state of research and/or practice or bridging disciplines, between research and practice.
  • Potential for attracting an appropriate number of participants
  • Overall composition of the WS topics

The proponents will be informed if their proposal has been accepted by the ISAP2025 TPC by late March 2025. If the proposal is accepted, proponents will be asked to prepare presentation slides.

Link to Call for Workshop Proposals