As civilization advances, the demand for diversity and inclusivity grows. Engineering is pushing to embrace individuals from all backgrounds, transcending gender and nationality, fostering innovation and ensuring solutions benefit a diverse global population.
In this session, we’ll explore the personal journeys of individuals who became engineers/researchers, highlighting varied motivations, challenges, and the importance of support and representation. Join us to hear these stories and help build a more inclusive engineering community.
This session includes 2 topics: technical research achievements and diversity & inclusion innovation. We’ll highlight technical research achievements beyond gender and exchange ideas for further gender innovation.
This session will highlight the amazing achievements of researchers working across national, regional, and gender boundaries, as well as the motivation and challenges behind those achievements.
In this session, researchers who are active across gender will share their experiences and insights, and all participants will exchange ideas for further gender innovation.
We call for papers on research achievements from researchers working across national and gender boundaries. Share and discuss the achievements of your enthusiastic research efforts with researchers with diverse backgrounds in the Part1 session.
Preparation & submission of papers
All papers must be submitted by 24 April 2025 and should conform to the same specifications as regular papers. The authors are requested to refer to the ISAP2025 Web page for the detailed paper preparation instructions.
One session will include 6 speakers at most, which includes invited speakers. The paper quality will mainly be judged on the proper coverage on the session topic “Highlighting Research Achievements Beyond Gender”.
The WIE session speakers will need to register for the conference at the ISAP2025 website.
Presentation of papers
Each paper presentation has 20 minutes including Q&A.
Presentation title:
Breaking Barriers: Gender, Race, and Background in Career Development
In this invited talk, I will explore the pivotal role of diversity and inclusion in shaping successful career paths, with a particular focus on gender innovation and personal motivation. Drawing on real-world examples and personal experiences, I will discuss how individuals from ordinary universities can overcome barriers related to gender, race, and background in the development of thriving careers. The presentation will highlight strategies and mindsets for fostering inclusive and welcoming environments that support diverse talent and background, ensuring equal opportunities for all. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the impact of diversity on professional growth and learn actionable steps to promote gender and race equity within their own institutions and organizations.
Dr. Ke Wu is Industrial Research Chair in Future Wireless Technologies and Professor of Electrical Engineering with Polytechnique Montreal (University of Montreal), where he was the Director of Poly-Grames Research Center and the Founding Director of the Center for Radiofrequency Electronics Research of Quebec. He has held positions such as the Canada Research Chair in RF and millimeter-wave engineering and the NSERC-Huawei Endowed Chair. He has authored/co-authored over 1500 referred technical papers, and many books/book chapters and filed more than 90 patents. Dr. Wu was the organizer of numerous conferences and events including the General Chair of the 2012 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS ? the largest IEEE annual conference). He was the 2016 President of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S). He also served as the two-terms inaugural representative of North America in the General Assembly of the European Microwave Association (EuMA). He was the recipient of many awards and prizes including the 2019 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Prize, the 2021 EIC Julian C. Smith Medal, 2022 IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Educator Award, 2022 IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award, and 2025 IEEE MTT-S Pioneer Award. He was an IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Lecturer. Dr. Ke Wu is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada, and the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech).
Presentation title:
Women innovate because they can find new combinations
Until now, engineers have worked to “improve technology”, but in fact innovation occurs by “finding new combinations”. It is important to increase the number of combinations, and it is advantageous to have knowledge of different fields. Engineers have been mostly male so combinations that men are more likely to notice have often already been tried. On the other hand, women often have different experiences (interpersonal relationships, housework, childbirth, childcare, things to use, fashion, etc.), and may be able to come up with new combinations. I think smart managers will notice this and increase the number of women they hire. Companies and universities with a low female ratio at present should feel a sense of crisis. So, is the antenna research field okay?
Takana Kaho is a Professor of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shonan Institute of Technology. She is a Space Communications Advisory Board Member and Expert Committee Member on the Information and Communications Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan. She is a Member of Space Engineering Committee and Space Strategy Fund Review Committee on JAXA, Japan. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, in 1994 and 1996 respectively. She received the Dr. Eng. degree in communication engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2007. From 1996 to 2019, she was engaged in research on satellite equipment and MMICs at NTT Laboratories. From 2010 to 2012, she was a Visiting Associate Professor at Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. From 2014 to 2017, she was a Visiting Associate Professor at Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. From 2016 to 2019, she was a Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Prof. Kaho is a senior member of the IEICE. She received the Japan Microwave Prize at the 1998 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference and the Young Researchers’ Award in 2004 presented by IEICE. She received a Best Paper Award from IEICE in 2015, and 2017.
ISAP2025WIE committee organizes special sessions highlighting technical research achievements beyond gender to aim to promote their careers and research on an international scale, encouraging the active participation of women in engineering worldwide.
Women in Engineering Forum at MJWRT2024 in Malaysia (August 26, 2024)
The forum-style event titled “A Day in the Life of Working People (Women) in Different Countries” emphasized learning the distinct viewpoints of individuals from many countries, particularly women, and encourages diversity and inclusivity to foster a healthy working environment. The inclusion of four outstanding speakers and more than 70 attendees commits to promoting gender diversity, empowering female engineers and inspiring the next generation of women to pursue careers.
(See also article:
The forum session. (From left): Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Fauziahanim Che Seman, Prof. Ismail Widad, Prof. Takeshi Fukusako, and NoorAzian Abdull Wahab.
(Online speaker Dr. Kanako Wake not included in the photo.)
Photo: Group photo of the WIE Special session, including both physical and online participants.
Diversity and Inclusion Special Session at the 2023 IEICE Antenna and Propagation Technical Meeting in Japan (September 1, 2023)
The primary objective of the session titled “Moving Forward Together?Excellent Women in Engineering” was to showcase global diversity and inclusion (D&I) and Women in Engineering (WIE) initiatives while highlighting the accomplishments of women in the electromagnetic field, particularly those from Japan and other Asian countries. The sessions involved participants from various countries with diverse backgrounds, encompassed both academia and industry. The presence of many young students and women among the attendees gave us hope for an increase in female researchers in the engineering field in the future.
(See also article:
Photo: All the chairs and some of the presenters and the audience.
Photo: The lunch meeting with speakers and ISAP2025WIE committee members.